We started 2016 off with an amazing trip to Big Bend National and State Parks with friends Lauren, Josiah, Veda and Bear. Saw some amazing sights, hiked, camped more remotely than ever (Ask me about the poop bucket we shared for 3 days. We are REALLY good friends now.)
AJ and I celebrated our 27th anniversary in a "staycation" in nearby Georgetown where we hiked and saw fossils, ate some great meals, danced, and biked around the red poppies.
We said goodbye to Kelsey's kitty Milo in a tragic accident. His mellow, laid back self with occasional demands (feed me NOW, pet me NOW) has been greatly missed. Our home feels lonely, and a lot less hairy with just one furr-ball now, Shadow, our 10.5 year old black lab. He's slow now but keeps us laughing.
One major highlight of the year was our trip to Sequoia National Park in June! What a beautiful place. We did lots of hiking, sightseeing, picnicking, and enjoyed the peace and quiet of the huge trees. We even brought one home! (A tiny sapling which will take 2,000 years to reach maturity. I hope someone waters her after I'm gone).

Nathan has been living at home since the beginning of 2016 taking a break from school- he's been working full time and has learned a lot from being out in the "working world". He's headed back to school in Jan 2017.
Kelsey graduated from St Edwards in May and enjoyed a few months of travel to celebrate. She's moved in back with us to save some money and enjoy some well deserved time with her brother. Those two are the best of friends. The good news is, they are also awesome "day laborers" and work well together getting things done around the house. Here you can see them helping clear the cedar from the greenbelt behind us.
AJ made a job change in July and left the state after 15 years to join Shoretel as their "Security Dude". He's loving the drive down 620 towards the lake instead of I35 to downtown. He's been enjoying the change, the new challenges, and the new team, including a very cool boss.
I'm doing the same old thing-- teaching lots of classes, helping families bring babies into the world and survive the first few weeks postpartum. This year I attended one of the most wonderful births of all- a homebirth after cesearan for one of my closest friends. I'm reminded each and every time what a beautiful and sacred event it is to share with a family and I am honored every time I'm invited.
Blessings to all of you for 2017. I hope the new year brings peace, happiness, fulfillment and joy in whatever path you take! And if that path brings you in our direction, our doors are always open!